Applying The Bible to Our Culture and World

These are the opinions of Jeff Phillips, pastor of an inner city Southern Baptist church in the heart of the bible belt. These views do not represent Woodfield Park Baptist Church, Ashley my wife, our 3 dogs or 3 cats.

Friday, January 29, 2016

The Roles of Government and the Church

As the Republican debate reached it's closing statements round the other night, Dr. Ben Carson closed his rather uneventful night in a unique way. He recited the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,  establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common Defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

You know what? I memorized that in the third grade as part of my 48th ranked, South Carolina public school education, and can still recite it to this day. In this short paragraph the Founding Fathers of our nation very simply and concisely defined what they felt the role of government should be. While there is no doubt the role of government has expanded well beyond this definition, I found it refreshing to hear in a political debate in this age of HUMONGOUS government exactly what the original intent was. And I got to thinking, how does God define the role of the church?

First let's look at the Founding Fathers definition of government.

"We the People of the United States" It is we the people who are to rule this nation through elected representatives. We exercise our rule through elections, very poorly sometimes. But ultimately the responsibility of what our government is rests at our feet. You don't like the government? Look in the mirror!

"in order to form a more perfect Union" We are united together in a common purpose to make our nation the best it can be. Not perfect, as that is impossible, but more perfect. Striving for the best. This is also a "perfect" definition for how the Christian should strive to live their life, be "more perfect" everyday.

"establish Justice" To establish justice is to establish a fair system of treatment for all under a rule of law. God alone is just and He alone knows perfect justice, and as flawed as our system is, it is still the best man has ever come up with. Judged by our peers.

"insure domestic Tranquility" Tranquility is a word we don't use much anymore. It means peace, calm. The government is to insure peace among the citizens, meaning I believe guarding against physical, armed conflict from within. We've had mixed results with this.

"provide for the common Defense" Perhaps the most understood and accepted role of government, to protect the citizenry from outside enemies.

"promote the general Welfare" To promote the well being of it's citizens. Provide equal opportunity, safety, the opportunity to improve oneself. "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

"secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity" We are free people, free to do as we wish so long as laws are not broken or no harm comes to another. It's the government's role to secure this right that comes not from man, but from God. And we do this with an emphasis on our posterity, those who come after us, insuring they will enjoy the same freedoms we do!

Notice some things here. It does not say establish a national religion, as freedom of religion is guaranteed in the First Amendment of the constitution that follows. It also does not say limit religion, which is also guaranteed by that same First Amendment. The government is to stay out of religion, and any religion has the freedom to practice it's beliefs within the confines of the freedom we are all granted. The Founders were pretty smart dudes. They stayed out of the business of the church.

So what is the role of the church?

Like our Founding Fathers, God did not give us difficult instruction in regards to this. Like our government today, I believe many Christians have complicated and added to the role of the church making it really incomprehensible. It is not. The role of the church is this:

Matthew 22:37-40, "Jesus replied, 'Love the Lord God with all of your heart and with all of your soul and with all of your mind, this is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself."'

It's not rocket science!!! In doing the "Greatest Commandment," we are "salt and light" in this world! That is the role of the church! Yet somehow, today, it feels as though the church feels part of it's role is to win elections. I don't find that command in the bible!

Does this mean a Christian should not participate in the government? Run for office? Vote? Of course not! In doing this we can be "salt" in the culture we live in. But the government, and elections, are not to be the focus of the church. These are things of man, and while we can influence them as Christians living out the "Greatest Commandment," they are not a means to see the gospel spread and our nation turn to God. There is only one way this happens, through our faithful witness and the power of the Holy Spirit! The only way we can be "salt" is to continually point to THE "light", Jesus Christ. Government and elections point to man.

Do we as citizens have the right and freedom to defend the religious liberty granted to us by our constitution so eloquently written many years ago? You bet we do!!! But I'll ask you this. Does, should, the church need the government to share Jesus, practice the "Greatest Commandment," and be "salt and light?"

Something to ponder in this explosive election year.

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