Applying The Bible to Our Culture and World

These are the opinions of Jeff Phillips, pastor of an inner city Southern Baptist church in the heart of the bible belt. These views do not represent Woodfield Park Baptist Church, Ashley my wife, our 3 dogs or 3 cats.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Reflections on Another Mass Shooting

Matthew 24:37, "But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be."

By now all of us have seen the horror that unfolded in Florida on Wednesday. 13 students gunned down by a former classmate. Whether it be this shooting, or Las Vegas, Ft. Hood, Orlando, San Bernardino, Sandy Hook, Columbine, or any other of a growing list, the result is always the same. Innocent people dead, and unanswered questions as to why.

As I've engaged on social media, in conversations, listened to the radio and watched the news reports, almost everyone keeps asking that question. Why? I've heard many accounts of how when folks went to school, parking lots were full of pick ups with gun racks, and guns, in the back, yet no one shot up the school. I grew up in such a time in suburban Greenville, SC. We carried knives, in the school, in to class, yet no one was stabbed. Sure, we had fights, what high school doesn't, but nothing like this. That was just a generation ago. This phenomenon is something that has really emerged over the last 25 years. Sure, there was Austin, Texas in the late sixties, but that was an isolated incident then. Now, this is so commonplace, they just seem to run together. So why?

Many say it's guns. There are over 300 million legal guns in the United States, almost one for every citizen. Now, I'm all for the Second Amendment, but do I think there could be some changes to our gun laws. Yes, I do. When an 18 year old can legally buy an assault rifle, but can't legally drink a beer, I think that's insane. I'm not a gun owner, though I know multitudes who do own, some own private arsenals. Personally, I'm not sure what other purpose an assault rifle has than to kill another person, but that can be said of handguns as well. But friends, the United States has ALWAYS been a well armed nation, so why this regular occurrence of mass shootings now?  Guns have always been accessible. Why this proliferation of mass shootings over these last 25 years?

Some say it's the video game culture that mandates violence and death to win the games. That these games have created a numbing to actual death. We didn't have these games when I grew up. We went in to the woods and played Army and shot BB and pellet guns at each other. Is it really much different? Heck, our play games were far more dangerous in reality. So why this now?

Some are saying it's mental illness. Is mental illness a new thing? We could probably list many, many things that could contribute to these mass shootings, but none will answer the question as to why?

The verse from Matthew 24 at the top of this blog is a part of what is called the Olivet Discourse, covering Matthew 24-25. Here Jesus is teaching about His return, and one of the things He says is before He comes, it will be like it was in the time of Noah. We don't have much detail from the bible of this time, but we do have God's opinion of these times. In Genesis 6:5-6, the bible tells us; "The  Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart." Yikes! That was, well, I'm not sure how long ago, but a LONG time ago! And you want to know what hasn't changed? The heart of man! Since the fall of man in the garden at Eden we read about in Genesis 3, this has been humanity. Jeremiah the prophet, speaking for God in Jeremiah 17:9. tells us that the heart of man is "deceitfully wicked." That only God can know it, the good it is capable of doing, and the astonishing wickedness.

The purpose of this blog, for the most part, is to try to apply the bible, God's word, to the world we live in. As I look at scripture, this is the answer to that question......why? You see, all of the things that have been mentioned repeatedly these last 25 years have always been present for the most part, in some form. What hasn't changed is the human heart. If a person is intent on killing masses, he doesn't need a gun. Terrorists killed nearly 3000 citizens on 9/11 with box cutters to commandeer jet liners. The last church I pastored was in a small town named Chesterfield, SC, population 1500. There a student was arrested with enough explosives to level the local high school, and that was his plan. He could have killed hundreds had he not been caught. You know what was happening right before he was caught? Christians from all the local Southern Baptist churches were prayer walking the high school in preparation for a county wide revival we were to be conducting in the gymnasium. Coincidence? I think you could guess where I land on that! Evil people are going to do evil things, regardless. They will find a way.

And you know what else Jesus said in Matthew 24? In Matthew 24:8, after giving a partial list of things we can expect to see before He returns, Jesus says; "All these are just the beginning of sorrows." That phrase literally translates to "birth pangs," what we would call labor pains. In other words, when you see these things, when the world begins to resemble the "days of Noah," where evil was rampant, think of it as labor pains. What happens with labor pains? The contractions begin lightly, but as birth grows closer, they grow stronger, more painful, and more frequent. Is that what we're seeing?

I don't have a concrete answer for that, as Jesus also told us in this discourse no one knows exactly when He will return. But I do know before His return, evil will grow worse and worse, because He tells us that.

There really are no words to comfort the families of these victims, or any of the other countless acts of evil we seem to witness on a regular basis. My prayer is we'll see it for what it really is, and not focus on secondary causes. These mass shootings happen because there is a heart problem. It's called sin. Evil. If you want to know the root cause of why, look no further than that. And there is only one way to defeat evil, and that is through the blood of Jesus Christ, and the forgiveness that He alone offers, "by grace, through faith." Those who knew Him that were killed on Wednesday have now overcome this wicked world through Him. They have victory. Do you?

In the end, that's the only answer to the evil of this world.

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