Applying The Bible to Our Culture and World

These are the opinions of Jeff Phillips, pastor of an inner city Southern Baptist church in the heart of the bible belt. These views do not represent Woodfield Park Baptist Church, Ashley my wife, our 3 dogs or 3 cats.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Follow the Leader

Nehemiah 4:17-20, "Those who built on the wall, and those who carried burdens, loaded themselves so that with one hand they worked at construction, and with the other held a weapon. Every one of the builders had his sword girded at his side as he built. And the one who sounded the trumpet was beside me. Then I said to the nobles, the rulers, and the rest of the people. "The work is great and extensive, and we are separated from one another on the wall. Whenever you hear the sound of the trumpet, rally to us here. Our God will fight for us."

The book of Nehemiah is a wonderful book on leadership. Nehemiah was not a king, or a priest. He was cupbearer to the king. A servant. Yet he was the God anointed leader who rallied the children of Israel in rebuilding the protective wall around Jerusalem.

If you were to google the word leader, you would find a myriad of information and opinions on what a leader and leadership is. But a leader in God's eyes is defined differently. A leader in God's eyes, is just what Nehemiah was. A faithful servant. One who is willing to lay everything on the line, and through his willingness to stand for the things of God, encourages others to follow.

Nehemiah here was willing to stand for God. He left the comfort of his job in a royal palace because His God was calling him to serve, and he faithfully obeyed. When Nehemiah arrives in Jerusalem he finds the wall in shambles and Israel's enemies gathering. What does he do? He does the only thing he can. He goes to the people, all the people; the nobles, rulers and common man, and through his conviction and character, he leads.

Many times in God's economy, God has anointed leaders and they've stood alone. The Old Testament prophets are great examples of this. Jeremiah preached for 45 years yet their is no record of even one convert who followed him. Ezekiel also had few who heeded his cries, "Thus saith the Lord." The Israelites suffered greatly because they would not follow the leader God had sent them. But when God's people hear the cry of the leader, and stand with him, God works in mighty ways. This is what happened with Nehemiah.

When God calls His people to work, a battle is often at hand. Nehemiah's band stood with a sword in one hand and a trowel in the other, ready for work yet prepared to fight. When the call of the trumpet was sounded, they knew it was time to lay down the labor and rush to the battle. They were vigilant, and prepared. They followed the example of their leader. But if they had not stood together as one, if one weak link had existed from among all the people, the battle would be lost.

This common man Nehemiah led the nobles, rulers and regular Joe's as one. They were willing to lay aside titles and status because God had clearly called Nehemiah to lead. They recognized this in Nehemiah's willingness to stand on the commands of God, and to their credit, unlike many of their brethren in Israel's history, they followed God's man. They followed as one people, God's people, in God's call and work. And God accomplished His will through them.

Their's a great lesson here I believe. In this age of church disunity and strife. In this age of dying and stagnant churches. What could be accomplished if we simply rallied around the people God has called out to lead, and are willing to take a stand for Him. What would happen if we would set aside title, names and stature, and with discernment recognize when someone, anyone, is standing for God and leading.

Nehemiah is an example to us that anyone can be a leader for God. The person willing to stand in God's will and not flinch, is one we should recognize and follow. If we are willing to humble ourselves and acknowledge who God is working through, God can rally His people and still accomplish great things. The lessons of the bible are clear. When God's anointed leader is followed by God's people, God moves and His people prosper. When the leader is rejected, God's cause and His people suffer. Are you ready to lead? God may be calling you to do so. But just as important, are you ready to follow if God has called another to head His charge. The kingdom of God needs both leaders and followers. Both are faithful servants of the King!

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