Applying The Bible to Our Culture and World

These are the opinions of Jeff Phillips, pastor of an inner city Southern Baptist church in the heart of the bible belt. These views do not represent Woodfield Park Baptist Church, Ashley my wife, our 3 dogs or 3 cats.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Joel Osteen's Moment of Truth

Anyone who knows me also knows I am not a fan of Joel Osteen. Osteen, the handsome, ever smiling purveyor of a self help, get rich, be the best you can be gospel has been the poster boy for what is wrong with God's church today. Osteen, who refuses to preach on sin, or hell, or anything that the world could perceive as negative, has built his own earthly kingdom by tickling ears and avoiding the true gospel message. As a result of his man-pleasing message Osteen currently "pastor's" the largest "church" in the United States in Houston, Texas and has amassed a huge fortune for himself. But recently, this master of telling people what they want to hear, was cornered into stating a doctrinal truth that offends the sensibilities of the world. Osteen declared on CNN's "Piers Morgan Tonight" that he believes, according to the Scriptures, that homosexuality is sin.

While this truth is plainly evident to anyone who reads the bible and accepts it for what it actually says, for Osteen to actually say this is pleasantly surprising. Osteen avoids doctrinal stands like politicians avoid the truth, but when cornered by Morgan on this CNN show, Osteen turned to scripture for his answer. Osteen's adamant and scriptural response was, "Yes, I've always believed, Peirs, the scriptures show that homosexuality is a sin." Now this is something I never thought I would say, but AMEN! Joel Osteen!

Morgan pressed Osteen, truly attacking his position, and while Osteen did not boldly turn to the Scriptures for proof, he did not however back away from his position. CNN later made this into a huge story that almost surely will continue, as other than Rick Warren, Osteen is the most prominent religious figure in our country right now.

Now I could look to the past and ask why it has taken Osteen this long to state a clear truth, to take a stand on the word of God. I could rightfully and accurately point to his sermons, books, lectures, and previous TV interviews and decry his lack of speaking with biblical authority. I'm not going to do that though. I want to look forward to what the future may hold for Osteen, for this was his moment of truth.

The way I see it, Osteen has 2 options. He can either stand on the word of God, and in doing so, be forced to take other stands that will surely displease his followers and the media that has elevated him to his prominent position, or; he can back track and claim some new revelation like so many other "pastors" today and claim he was wrong. In this moment of truth, we will see just what Osteen is made of.

If he takes this biblical stand, and the others that will surely follow, he will lose church members, TV ratings, media exposure and money. If he backtracks, he can become even more popular in the world he so often seeks to please. At this moment we need to be in sincere prayer for Joel Osteen. He is a man with a large audience and an opportunity that few others have to proclaim the true gospel of Jesus Christ. While finally taking this stand will cost him here on earth, it could mean millions of people hearing the gospel truth. But anyone who truly follows Christ knows their will be a cost here on earth.

Osteen is in a transformational moment. For all of the damage he has done, he has a true chance to repent and return to the God he claims to serve. Is he willing to suffer the cost of doing this? I certainly pray he is. Through the medium of the media that has so promoted Osteen, he is now trapped and must make a choice: Jesus or the world; treasures in heaven or treasures here on earth. If he chooses to truly serve God, oh what an influence he could have.

Paul once persecuted the church. Peter denied Christ 3 times. Many men of God have faced this sort of choice when confronted with the truth. Which direction will Osteen choose? Will he choose to begin calling sin what the bible calls sin? Or will he seek a way out from under this mountain of negativity? As critical as I personally have been of Joel Osteen for what I perceive as his abandonment of the truth, I am with all of my soul praying he takes this stand, and the others that will surely come.

We must acknowledge the truth of the bible, and boldly proclaim it. It is through the "foolishness" of preaching that God has chosen for souls to be converted. We must understand that Christ has not come "to bring peace," but rather to "divide," and God's word is the dividing line. As much as we in our sin may seek to avoid the truth, God has already identified what sin is and the consequences of living in it. It is the kingdom of God that is at stake for the people who reject God's truth. Mr. Osteen, I pray that this moment of truth is your transformational encounter with Christ. In the near future the whole world will know who you serve; the True and Living God, or the world and yourself. My prayers are with you Joel.

1 comment:

  1. Amen Martha, Osteen is in a unique position. He has the opportunity to reach countless millions of people. We as Christians should be ready to forgive and embrace him if he repents and turns to God and the true gospel. If he does not, we must also call him out for his false teachings
