Applying The Bible to Our Culture and World

These are the opinions of Jeff Phillips, pastor of an inner city Southern Baptist church in the heart of the bible belt. These views do not represent Woodfield Park Baptist Church, Ashley my wife, our 3 dogs or 3 cats.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Implications of a Democratic Middle East

Genesis 3:6, "So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of it's fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate."

As the news footage of the uprising in Egypt and all across the middle east continues to roll in, a fundamental question has arisen regarding the future of this most unstable of all regions of the earth: Do not all people have the right to self determination? It is a question that goes to the heart of the human condition. Should we all not have the right to the free will God gave us as creatures made in His image? As a matter of public policy since the United States military involvement in the region escalated to full fledged war after 9/11, the official government position has been we are aiming to stoke the fires of democracy across this region known for totalitarian governments and despots as rulers. Israel is the only true democracy in the Middle East, even Iraq has not made that transition fully. So what are the ramifications of self determination, of freedom of choice, in a region ruled by extremist points of view?

In theory, democracy is the most noble form of human government. The people hold the power to install the type of leadership they desire. But whether it be a representative democratic republic, like the United States, or a true democracy where the people make the decisions for themselves, this form of government rule is wholly dependent upon the belief that mankind is basically good; and will choose what is best for himself and his kindred. Is this faith in our fellow man well placed however?

Genesis 3:6 clearly teaches us man will not always, and in many cases, almost never choose what is best for himself, no matter how clear the choice seems to be. Adam and Eve were the most fortunate people ever to walk the earth. Other than Christ, they were the only one's who ever managed to live a portion of their lives in the perfect will of God. They lived in the paradise the bible calls Eden. They "walked and talked" with God Himself. They had been given clear instruction that both understood completely regarding the eating of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Yet when confronted with the devious devices of evil, they rejected all that was good, and chose evil. They chose disobedience and sin. As a result of their choice, all of mankind since has been born into sin. We pay the price for their rebellion, and are sinners from the moment of our first breath.

You do not have to teach a child to lie, it comes naturally. You do not have to teach a child to rebel, it is instinctive. You do not have to teach a child to become angry, or lust, or covet. These things are born into them as part of the sin nature. When faced with the choice between good and evil, the natural man, quite naturally, chooses evil. So what should we expect from all of this chaos in the middle east?

The United States is supposed to be the model. A bastion of liberty on which we hope the whole world will model itself. But liberty is a two-edged sword. While the desire for freedom is also a an inalienable, God given right. The consequences of liberty are both good and bad. The United States claims to recognize the rights of all of it's citizens, but bloody wars and civil uprising had to occur to insure this for blacks and minorities. These rights have been taken away from the most vulnerable among us, the unborn child, and nearly 60 million abortions/murders have occurred since 1973 in the name of freedom of choice. We have the liberty to serve God and others, or to serve ourselves and our desire for pleasure. Which occurs more frequently today? We have the liberty to choose our own representatives, yet most Americans vote blindly, failing to educate themselves on even the smallest of details regarding whom they cast their votes for. So why should we expect those in the middle east to choose any more wisely than we have?

On Monday I opined in my blog that the United States is in a no win situation with what is occurring in the middle east today. Oppose the desire for self determination and support despots who rule as though they were God and oppress individual liberty, and we turn our backs on our own self declared beliefs. Support the protesters and the right of self determination, and we risk most assuredly the rise of radical elements that most surely will be more evil and dangerous than those who currently rule. Once again God has shown us, only He is sovereign. And only in choosing Him can we insure personal liberty is a positive force, and not one that brings both great good but potentially even greater evil.

What is happening in the middle east today is the same thing that happened in the garden at Eden years and years ago. Mankind is faced with a choice. A choice, most assuredly, that God has given them, but nonetheless, a choice. Is our faith in mankind and our desire for personal liberty, bringing both the pros and cons of those decisions, well placed? Not if the history of man is any indication.

You see, it is only faith in God, in Jesus Christ, that brings about wisdom and wise decisions. And even then, as Adam and Eve proved, the reality of being deceived and choosing evil is ever present. God's word indicated the strife now occurring in the middle east is a continuation of God's eternal plan. Israel, Jerusalem and the middle east region are ground zero for the battle between good and evil. Everything that is happening will serve God's already written story for the fate of His most beloved creation, us.

If Egypt, and the other nations now or soon to be embroiled in this battle for personal freedom choose wisely and choose God's way, the region could enjoy a new found peace. Not only in terms of human rights and bondage, but in the open door that personal freedom would provide for the spread of the gospel, religious freedom, and the peace only Christ can provide. If as Adam and Eve, the devil deceives, and the wrong choices are made, all forms of peace, both between nations and with God, will disintegrate before our very eyes.

The bible tells us that the "heart of man is deceitfully wicked."(Jeremiah 17:9) The word of God declares that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."(Romans 3:23) Their is only one path to true liberty and freedom, Jesus Christ. "Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed."(John 8:36) Unless His way is chosen, mankind's record of self determination is filled with the choice of evil over good, even in it's best intentions, like the United States. The implications of a democratic middle east are self evident in the economy of God. Choose Him, or "the wages of sin is death."(Romans 6:23) Faith in mankind is a misplaced hope. Only faith in God can bring about true freedom. Do we really believe this is the choice that will be made?

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