Applying The Bible to Our Culture and World

These are the opinions of Jeff Phillips, pastor of an inner city Southern Baptist church in the heart of the bible belt. These views do not represent Woodfield Park Baptist Church, Ashley my wife, our 3 dogs or 3 cats.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The State Newspaper and Same Sex Marriage

For the first time this past Sunday The State newspaper of Columbia published the marriage of a same sex couple in their wedding announcements section. The 2 men were married out of state, as clearly South Carolina state laws neither allow nor recognize marriage between same sex couples, but nonetheless The State is now choosing to "honor" in spirit the marriage of 2 men or 2 women. What does this mean for us as a culture and state?

Being a Southern Baptist pastor my understanding of same sex marriage is based upon the principles of the bible. Never in recorded history dating back to the days of Adam and Eve has marriage between same sex couples been recognized, that is, until the last 10 years. Anyone who reads the bible with intellectual honesty understands that God calls this lifestyle sin. Their are many arguments in our society that people are born with a natural inclination to be attracted to someone of the same sex, of this I cannot be sure. What I do know is that like heterosexual carnal relationships, any sexual relationship between 2 consenting adults, is a choice. And God says, just like He does of any hetero encounter outside of marriage, or of stealing, lying, and any number of things, that homosexuality is a sin. It is a choice to enter into this type of relationship. We do have the power to say no.

So what does it say that the largest newspaper in our state is now choosing to honor same sex marriages our state does not legally recognize, and that God calls immoral and sin? Sadly, it is simply another step in the moral decline of our nation. We live in a culture and society that is clearly and undeniably becoming numb and indifferent to the word and ways of God. Things that a generation ago were a scandal and primarily kept private, are now flaunted and paraded before all of us under the banner of equal rights. Whether it be divorce, adultery, fornication, or homosexuality, all of which God calls sin, they are now commonplace.

Now let me go on record, and many may disagree with me on this, but its is my opinion. I do believe some sort of legal transaction should be enacted to give homosexual "partners" rights regarding property, Social Security benefits, health insurance, etc. I do not say this because I condone the lifestyle, but because I do believe equal legal rights are guaranteed under our constitution. But the legal issues are far outweighed by the moral ones when it comes to God and His word.

Whether we wish to acknowledge the truth or not, sin is defined by God, not by us. Because the world says something is permissible, and our culture accepts and often embraces something, does not make it acceptable in God's eyes. God loves the sinner, but hates all sin. And when we practice lifestyles of sin, according to His word(1 Cor. 6:9-11, Gal 5:19-21, Eph. 5:1-7, Rev 21:8) we show ourselves as someone who has not been truly born again; is not a "new creation in Christ;" not someone regenerated and converted; someone who will "not inherit the kingdom of God."

So as we see here in conservative, buckle of the bible belt, South Carolina, one of the leading media outlets in our state now recognize same sex marriage. Let us understand the real battle we face. It's not equal rights, it's salvation and souls. Just like with other national sins like abortion, legal remedies are not the answer. Jesus, and the salvation and power to overcome sin that comes only from Him, is. This is a Spiritual war, not a legal or cultural one. Friends, just as Christ did with all of us, we must love the sinner. But we must be honest with people regarding sin, and the consequences of sin and a failure to repent. Romans 6:23 tells us, "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Friends, we cannot claim Jesus as Savior, and not follow Him as Lord. Jesus, the Word, God; author of the bible through the Holy Spirit, consistently from beginning to end tells us homosexuality is sin. Pray for these 2 men, and any other people you may know, that they realize, in spite of what I'm sure are genuine emotions and feelings for each other this undeniable biblical fact. It is God who says, you cannot live this way. And forgiveness of our sins comes only on His terms, through Jesus.

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