Applying The Bible to Our Culture and World

These are the opinions of Jeff Phillips, pastor of an inner city Southern Baptist church in the heart of the bible belt. These views do not represent Woodfield Park Baptist Church, Ashley my wife, our 3 dogs or 3 cats.

Monday, September 12, 2011

9/11 and the Church

I asked the question yesterday during our morning service, "do you remember where you were 9/10/01?" A few raised their hands but most could not recall where they were the night before the tragic events that occurred the following day. I do remember where I was. I was at a bar in Florence, SC, where I was every Monday night, watching Monday Night Football, gambling, getting drunk or high, probably both, being the lost person that I was. I had such a "good" time that night that I took that momentous Tuesday off and slept in. I found out about the attacks when my dad called and woke me up to inform me of what was going on.

So why is this meaningful? Well, it's meaningful because I was one of the multitudes who was in church that following Sunday. For me it was the first time in many years. I was there because I had questions to which I had no answers. I was seeking understanding, comfort, a sense of safety. I was turning to where I knew I should, to God and His people, even though I had run from Him most of my life. Tragedy has a way of doing this to people. We turn where we know we should, and I believe instinctually, there is a desire for God in most human hearts.

Most churches saw huge spikes in attendance those first few weeks after 9/11. Our nation had been startled and scared, and we sought out our creator. However, after a few weeks, church attendance lagged and basically has never picked up again in most places. I was also one of those one's who fell away from church again. Why was that?

For me personally, I came seeking something I didn't find. I was not saved, but I was raised in church and had a basic understanding of what the bible says. I knew a person who claimed to be a Christian is supposed to be different. What I found were people who praised God on Sunday, yet lived just like me the rest of the week. Friends, a person who claims to be saved cannot live like a lost person. The world sees this and abhors this. They know blatant hypocrisy when the see it. And it repels them. I believe with all my heart many reacted the same way after a few weeks in church. Ultimately, it's an excuse, but it is a legitimate concern as we look at the nature of the church 10 years after 9/11. If another catastrophic event were to happen today, is the church any better prepared to receive those who are once again seeking answers?

As I survey the landscape of the church, sadly, the conclusion I come to, is no. No, we are not any better prepared than we were 10 years ago. Yesterday the talk was of how much our nation had changed since 9/11, yet I really do not see it where it matters most, in God's house. If any people should be motivated by the events of 9/11it should be the child of God. We know what the bible says of death, of judgment, of hell. We know that eternal souls are in the balance. We know what God expects of us in regards to those souls, we know, yet, even when something none of us could have ever imagines, happens, we remain the same. Content in our little sheltered cocoons, unresponsive to the needs of the world for the gospel. If we don't care of the world's fate now, how will they find us different when the next tragedy strikes?

I'm not claiming to be a prophet peering down the corridor to future events here, but I believe I am a realist. Knowing the hatred and determination of our enemy, they will strike again, and probably with a greater loss of life than occurred 9/11/01. When that happens, will we be ready for the influx of the world that will surely come? If we are not ready today, we won't be then. Friend, Christian! Are you ready? Do your words and life walk hand-in-hand? Is the church you attend actively engaging our culture and world? Do you feel a burden for the lost, hurting, needy? Do the words faithfulness, obedience, thankfulness, joyfulness have a place in your life. If they do not, you're not ready. Now is not the time to wait for the next disaster. Now is the time to get ready. The choice is yours.

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