Applying The Bible to Our Culture and World

These are the opinions of Jeff Phillips, pastor of an inner city Southern Baptist church in the heart of the bible belt. These views do not represent Woodfield Park Baptist Church, Ashley my wife, our 3 dogs or 3 cats.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Musings After a Long Hiatus

It's been nearly a year since I last wrote one of these. A friend recommended this blog to someone and I went back and re-read many of the old posts, and well, I felt it was time to begin this anew. A lot has happened in the last 11 months, here are a few thoughts on some of these:

Our new mission field in Columbia, SC is still ripe and awaiting the harvest. Our church, Woodfield Park Baptist Church,, is a work in progress. We face the same challenges as most churches these days, but the work is still a joy. The workers may be few, so we continue to pray to the Lord of the harvest for those workers. We've seen many wonderful things happen, including tremendous growth in our children's and youth ministries. We still believe "with God all things are possible."

Election time is nearing, and while I realize this won't be a popular stand among many of my conservative friends, I don't intend to vote for Mitt Romney, and I certainly won't be voting for Obama. Not sure who will be on the ballot I can vote for, but I refuse to vote for a candidate who openly follows and proclaims a false god or one who claims to be a Christian yet there is no real evidence that he is, other than a verbal profession. Just my opinion, but for me, it just shows how far our nation has drifted from God in that of the two perspective presidential candidates, neither stands for Jesus. Our economy may improve under Romney, but I see no way God blesses our nation with the election of an open idolator. We need a spiritual awakening in this land, and that begins for me, in refusing to vote for pagans regardless of party affiliation, but that's just my opinion.

Gay marriage continues to move to the forefront and I honestly see no way to stem the tide without a spiritual awakening in this land. And for those who say Jesus never dealt with gay marriage I suggest you read Matthew 19:4-6 to see who Jesus said marriage is between. Please remember that for these companies like Chic-fil-a, Jesus said that if the world hated "Him," it will hate us also. Once again the spiritual apostasy of our nation is on display as it is more than ever considered hate to support biblical teachings.

The Southern Baptist Convention has elected it's first black president in history, Dr. Fred Luter of New Orleans. I pray this is more than a symbolic move, and that this truly signals a true commitment to reaching minorities in our convention. I've encountered a lot of blatant racism in some baptist churches. I honestly cannot see how someone can claim to love Christ yet hate someone simply because of there skin color. Matthew 7:21-23 comes to mind every time I hear racist remarks from anyone who claims to be a Christian.

A progressing debate is occurring within the Southern Baptist Convention over which theological view is correct, Calvinism or Armenianism. If you want more details on either school of thought please google them and read up, but I want to say this. We all agree it is Jesus who alone can save. Whether He chose us from the beginning of time to be saved and others to be cast in to hell or whether we do have a choice in salvation, to believe, is irrelevant. It's still Jesus who alone saves. Let us focus on that instead of what is considered "traditional" SBC doctrine or whether "reformed" doctrine is correct. I personally fall in the middle of the 2, and will learn the absolute truth when I meet Jesus. Let us replace theological debate over a non-essential matter with evangelistic fervor to reach those far from God. A Calvinist can be saved and an Armenianist can be saved, but someone who does not know Jesus cannot. Let us put away childish things and "seek" the lost as Jesus said(Luke 19:10). Infighting over non-essentials only harms the cause of Christ.

And to close this relaunch out, I will add: The Indians still stink, and I have little hope for the Browns; I still hate the Yankees and Red Sox; I don't believe Tiger Woods will ever win another major tournament; Austin City Limits without country music is not Austin City Limits; giving up real food because of diabetes really blows; football season is not the same without Bob Fulton, Larry Munson and Jim Phillips; Christians are human too. Remember that the next time you leave a church because of a person or personal disagreement. It's supposed to be about God, not us, and you probably won't be improving the next church you join; there is not a "God shaped hole" in your heart, there is sin there. Seek out the One who can wash it away and help you overcome through His forgiveness; false teachings still abound, call them out! It is your duty to correct error with the word; you must know the word to do this, start studying your bible; and to quote Billy Sunday, "hell's hot, heaven's sweet, sin kills, and Jesus saves." Until next time, God bless and may the world see Jesus in you!

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