Applying The Bible to Our Culture and World

These are the opinions of Jeff Phillips, pastor of an inner city Southern Baptist church in the heart of the bible belt. These views do not represent Woodfield Park Baptist Church, Ashley my wife, our 3 dogs or 3 cats.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Plight of Jeremiah(A message for the preacher)

Jeremiah 1:17-19, "Therefore prepare yourself and arise, and speak to them all that I command you. Do not be dismayed before there faces, lest I dismay you before them. For behold, I have made you this day a fortified city and an iron pillar, and a bronze wall against the whole land-against the kings of Judah, against its princes, against its priests, and against the people of the land. They will fight against you, but they shall not prevail against you. For I am with you, says the Lord, to deliver you."

You ever wonder what preachers talk about when they get together? Sure, we talk about family, football, our golf game, the fish we caught. But in my seven years in the ministry, what I've found most preachers talk about when they get together, is church. And sadly, many if not most of these conversations revolve around problems in their particular church. I myself have engaged in many such discussions.

A preacher will say: Why are my people not engaged in evangelism? Another will answer, neither are mine. One will lament the lack of servants in the church? Another will chime in about conflict with church members. The next will wonder why no one responds to his preaching. Yet another will be wondering if he'll still be pastor next month. The list of topics in honestly endless, and discouragement runs high in the work of the ministry.

The prophet Jeremiah knew of this feeling. Jeremiah was a reluctant prophet. Like many he did not feel qualified. Called to preach to Judah, the southern kingdom, Jeremiah was asked by God to deliver blistering message after blistering message to God's people and also the people of the surrounding nations. In my opinion, the book of Jeremiah is one of the more difficult reads in the bible, as it is almost without exception, 52 chapters of a pending judgment.

Jeremiah was discouraged many times in his ministry, once to the point of wishing himself dead, instead of having to continue. He was attacked by his Jewish brethren continuously for declaring what God had told him to say. He preached to a stiff necked people who did not want to hear what God had to say through his man. In the 46 years of Jeremiah's recorded ministry, the biblical record contains not one convert who had an "ear to hear," repented and returned to God. Not one.

I know many a pastor who has felt as though they are experiencing the same thing. They declare the word of God, and instead of hearing what God has to say, the church responds with apathy. Conflicts arise, contentions increase, gossip begins to spread through the church. And by and large the pastor is the one who feels the heat. If he were doing his job, these things wouldn't be happening. Every small matter is magnified in to a huge issue, and people look for reasons to criticize and attack. Much if not most of this occurs behind the scenes until a spirit of bondage exits. I've been there, and believe me, it is no fun. A pastor's family is the one's who really feel this, and that adds to his dismay as to what is occurring.

What was true in Jeremiah's time is still true now. Jesus Himself experienced such ridicule, as He was not even welcome in His own hometown. But today as much as any time in history, we are in need of Jeremiah's to fill our pulpits. The cry of the prophet has never been a welcome one, but this world needs men of persistence and courage who will say "thus sayeth the Lord" in the face of critics and attacks.

The above scripture is an encouragement to the multitudes of men of God who fight the spiritual battles that exist in most churches today. God tells Jeremiah if he speaks what the Lord commands, he will suffer through attacks, but they will not prevail, as He is with Jeremiah and will deliver him. Every preacher needs to heed these words, and surrender to the particular call God has them serving in at the moment. You have been called to your particular ministry for a reason. God felt you were needed there.

In this age of apathy and comfort, the message of the prophets is much needed. If a spiritual awakening is to occur in our nation, the church must first be revived. That will not happen unless conviction and repentance occurs first among God's people. And it is the Holy Spirit working through heartfelt prayer and the word that will bring God to the point that He grants it.

God's promises to Jeremiah apply to the pastor of today as well. If we are faithful in declaring God's word, and leading and shepherding the flock to obey, then God will have our backs. This may mean laying your income on the line, takings stands that will certainly bring dissent, persecution and attacks over seemingly every little thing. But don't be discouraged. Stand tall and speak with the confidence that you are declaring God's will. Not one may hear, as was the case with Jeremiah, but you will be judged faithful by the only One who counts. And most important, He will be with you and deliver you.

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