Applying The Bible to Our Culture and World

These are the opinions of Jeff Phillips, pastor of an inner city Southern Baptist church in the heart of the bible belt. These views do not represent Woodfield Park Baptist Church, Ashley my wife, our 3 dogs or 3 cats.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Jesus the Divider

Luke 12:51, "Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but rather division."

I have some difficult scripture to preach this Sunday from Luke 12:49-53. It's not difficult because of it's complexity, but rather because it reveals a truth most Christians simply do not want to acknowledge. Jesus Christ is not a uniter of men, but rather a divider.

In fact, Jesus Himself and His holy word, the bible, is the dividing line. Each one of us either know and believe in Jesus, or we do not. We either believe the bible is God's word, or we do not. Each of us is either saved, or we are not. You see, with Jesus, their is no middle ground. Our sin is either covered by His blood and we are forgiven, or we are not. That its not popular in today's world. It is most definitely politically correct. But these are the words of Jesus, and they are the truth.

The bible teaches us that divisions within the church are not good. But when referencing these divisions the bible informs us that they consist of behavior that is not in accordance with the teachings of the bible. When we sin, or corrupt and misapply the message of the bible, we divide ourselves from the truth of Jesus as revealed in His word. In essence, the division is self imposed, as we reject the truth in favor of selfish desires or outright lies. We as Christians are divided from a lost world BY Jesus Christ. And while the bible instructs us we must be a part of this lost world, we cannot be overtaken by sin and the ways of the world. When we surrender to sin and false doctrine we divide ourselves from Jesus.

For many Christians this is hard to take. As Jesus says in verses 52-53 it could mean division and conflict within our own families. A father could be a believer in Jesus, but a son may not be. If this is the case Jesus has divided the family. This does not mean we do not love our unsaved relative, or friend, it simply means that their is a huge difference between us; that difference is Jesus. This may cause conflict and even outright disputes within our own families, but we must understand this is the truth Jesus has revealed to us.

When we choose Jesus, we choose the narrow, more difficult road. We open ourselves to ridicule and persecution knowing this is the cost of following Christ. Many however seek to mitigate this cost by compromising the truth and accepting and even promoting sinful behavior. James 4:4 tells us, "...Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity(to be the enemy) of God?" God is not saying we cannot have lost friends, simply that we cannot embrace or condone their sinful behavior.

We must be separated from the ways of the world in order that we be seen by the world as different, in fact, as a distinct contrast, to the ways of the world. We cannot win a lost world if we look like a lost person. The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin and the indwelling and filling of the Holy Spirit should compel us to live a holy life. When we claim to believe in and follow Jesus, we have been divided from sinful lifestyles and worldly ways. And Jesus Himself is the divider.

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