Applying The Bible to Our Culture and World

These are the opinions of Jeff Phillips, pastor of an inner city Southern Baptist church in the heart of the bible belt. These views do not represent Woodfield Park Baptist Church, Ashley my wife, our 3 dogs or 3 cats.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Middle East Mayhem

With all of the news surrounding the passage of health care last week, a visit to Washington by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu flew under the radar. Tensions between our government and Israel continue to escalate and a conflict in the middle east seems more and more likely. Israel had skirmishes with Hamas in the Gaza strip late last week resulting in deaths on both sides and the United States basically stated that meaningful sanctions against Iran are unlikely. Meanwhile Islamic terrorists struck in Russia. The conflict between Islam and the west is heightening daily, and no solution is in sight.

No cameras were allowed for the Netanyahu visit nor did the Israeli leader and President Obama appear together as is customary when visiting heads of state visit. This slap in the face by the Obama administration was clearly calculated to place more pressure on Israel to capitulate to U.S. peace demands. Notice the difference in Netanyahu's visit and that of French president Nicholas Sarkozy this week. Netanyahu's was completely behind closed doors even though he was in town several days while cameras and media coverage are extensive for Sarkozy. A clear line has been drawn by the Obama administration,and we currently stand on the side of the Palestinians in spite of rhetoric stating the opposite.

It burdens my heart to see our nation distancing itself from Israel. Our nation has never been so far from a biblical world view as it is today. Israel is God's people and when we turn our back on them, we turn our back on God. The bible clearly teaches the disputed land is Israels, given to them by God, and no human intentity is going to change that. Jerusalem is Israel's capital yet we seem determined to divide it with the Palestinians as well as the rest of Israel. A return to the 1967 borders, which is what we are proposing is a sure invitation for the destruction of Israel, and something we seem to be completely oblivious too.

Israel, is in essence, alone in the world right now. From a biblical world view, this is exactly where the bible says they will be in end times. Israel will return to their God and the God of Israel will protect them, according to the bible. My fear for our nation is what God reveals in Genesis 12:3, "I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; An in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." This promise was given to Abraham and later his descendants through Issac and Jacob. Those descendants, my friends, are the Israelites.

The United States has been a blessing to Israel since it's reestablishment as a nation in 1948. Sadly, this no longer seems the case. When you look at the nations that have stood against Israel in the past, none are the powers they once were, or they have disappeared all together. Empires like Egypt and Babylon(Iraq) are non-entities on the worlds landscape as far as influence is concerned. Nations such as the Philistines, Amorites, Amalakites, Edomites, Moabites and the Assyrians who stood against Israel no longer exist. God has indeed cursed those who have cursed His people. The fact we as a nation fail to understand this means we may be in for the same fate.

The United States does not appear in biblical prophecy. I believe their are only 2 conclusions to be drawn by this. The first is that through an economic collapse we become a non-entity ourselves in the world. The second is we become part of the reformed Roman Empire which will serve as the kingdom of Antichrist. Both conclusions could in fact be true. Our economy is a glass house and the current administration seems intent on usurping our national sovereignty in favor of globalism.

Friends, we live in a day where bible prophecy is unfolding before us. And I must say I do not see good things on the horizon for our nation. Now, more than ever, we need to be looking for our Savior to return, for the time is nearer than ever before. Their is only one solution to the ills of this world, and that is for Jesus to return to rule and to reign. If our nation does continue its retreat away from Israel, we will get a taste of the wrath of God that is to come. Only those who trust in and follow Jesus will be spared the time of testing that will come upon the whole world.

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