Applying The Bible to Our Culture and World

These are the opinions of Jeff Phillips, pastor of an inner city Southern Baptist church in the heart of the bible belt. These views do not represent Woodfield Park Baptist Church, Ashley my wife, our 3 dogs or 3 cats.

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Hate of Israel

This past week the world witnessed an unfortunate event in the coastal waters off of Israel. Israeli commandos enforcing a legally declared blockade that has been in force for 4 years boarded 6 ships of self declared peaceful activists to inspect these ships for possible contraband materials en route to the internationally recognized terror group Hamas. So, was this an over-reaction on the part of Israel, or a well orchestrated political maneuver by those who hate Israel? The facts are becoming clear, but will that matter to the anti-semites who blame Israel for any altercation that occurs in the middle east today?

As Israeli forces did exactly what they had told the "Free Gaza" flotilla they would do, on 5 of the 6 ships that were boarded there were no altercations and no one was harmed. On the 6th ship as Israeli forces repelled onto the ship, they were greeted with beatings by metal pipes threatening the lives of the Israeli's enforcing a legal and internationally recognized blockade. They responded in self defense and 9 of the "peace activists" were killed. Funny how these "peace activists" responded to a legal search with extreme violence. Yet Israel is to blame.

Meanwhile, North Korea can torpedo a South Korean ship in a clear act of war then rattle its sabers in defiance and the world basically does nothing. Iran can continue to defy the words of world leaders in pursuit of nuclear weapons and face no consequences. Islamic governments worldwide can continue to oppress and brutalize their own citizens and somehow are viewed as victims. But Israel acts in a legal manner to defend itself from possible terrorist attack and the world is up in arms. How dare they act as any sane nation would who was constantly under threat from enemies that surround them!

The worldwide hypocrisy that consistently heckles Israel is reprehensible, but expected. The nations and people who surround Israel have all at one time or another threatened destruction and elimination of the Jewish state. 1 day after Israel was established as a nation again after nearly 2000 years in 1948, the newly sovereign country was invaded. The only thing that prevents more regular, coordinated attacks today is Israel's military superiority to it's enemies. So Israel's enemies work through proxy terror groups to harass the tiny country or through deceptive political maneuvers like this "freedom flotilla," knowing full well that the world will always rally behind anyone who opposes Israel.

In cities across America Israel's well organized enemies were protesting the very next day. Some of these shameful protesters actually carried signs that showed Israel represented by a swastika inside of a Star of David. That to me is personally sickening, as Israel has NEVER treated it's enemies as they themselves have been treated. When was the last time Jews inflicted genocide upon Arabs or Muslims as Germany did upon Jews? Israel in fact has many Arab and Muslim citizens that are afforded equal protection under their law and is the only true democracy in the middle east. Yet they are the evil presence, not those who swear to wipe them off the map.

This "flotilla" was organized and sponsored in large part by a growing fundamentalist Islamic government in Turkey and many of the self proclaimed "freedom" floaters had terrorist ties. But none of this matters. Israel and the Jewish people are hated by the world, because they are hated by Satan, the ruler of this world. You see, if Satan can destroy Israel and the Jewish people, he can disprove the bible and God, and then declare himself God. It has been the enemies goal since Pharaoh pursued the nation of Israel during the Exodus,; since Haman during the time of Esther; since Herod at the birth of Christ; since Titus of Rome in 70 AD and the destruction of Jerusalem; since Hitler and the Holocaust. It is still Satan's goal. The hatred of Israel will only continue to grow as Satan realizes his time is growing short and the return of the Jewish carpenter Jesus draws closer.

As for us, we have a choice to make. We can either join the worlds chorus and condemn Israel, or we can stand by the chosen people of God as His word instructs us too. We do not do this because Israel is right with God, and currently in His will. We do this as the bible says for the sake of the patriarchs, Abraham, Issac and Jacob to whom God has made irrevocable and unconditional promises for their offspring, the Jews. As Paul tells us of biblical Christianity; Israel is currently our enemy for the sake of the furtherence of the gospel, but our brothers for the sake of election. As we as Christians look forward to the coming of Christ and the future resurrection, we also acknowledge the plan of God and the future restoration of Israel to a right relationship with God through Christ. If we do this we can expect hatred, persecution, suffering and scorn here on earth, but an eternal reward in heaven. Where will the focus of our treasure reside?

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