Applying The Bible to Our Culture and World

These are the opinions of Jeff Phillips, pastor of an inner city Southern Baptist church in the heart of the bible belt. These views do not represent Woodfield Park Baptist Church, Ashley my wife, our 3 dogs or 3 cats.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

It's Never too Late

Yesterday I accompanied my wife Ashley to Lincolnton, NC for the funeral of her father Gary Stamey. Gary was suffering with multiple illnesses and in His mercy God took him quickly. I never really had the chance to get too know my father-in-law as by the time I was part of the family he was already very ill and limited physically. But I did learn some things yesterday.

Gary Stamey was hardly a perfect man. None of us are. He lived the bulk of his life separated from God and and he bore the scars; physically, emotionally and spiritually of his lifestyle. It was a difficult day, especially for his children because of some of those scars. But it was clear yesterday that Gary was well liked, in fact loved by many people and had done many good and charitable things for many in the community.

Thing is, being a good person to many people is not good enough in God's economy. The bible tells us in Romans 3:10, that there "is none righteous, no not one." In fact, Jeremiah 17:9 declares that "the heart of man is deceitfully wicked..." God's word declares that good works done in our power apart from God are as "filthy rags" before Him. We cannot please Him apart from faith in Jesus Christ.

And that's what was so heartening yesterday as the services took place. Several of Gary's children and 2 pastors who officiated the services confirmed over and over that at the end of his life, Gary received Christ as his Savior and asked for forgiveness of his sins. While I know God would rather Gary have made this decision years earlier, so as to avoid many of the painful decisions he made throughout his life, the bible teaches us that whenever anyone comes to Christ for salvation, no matter how late in life, that there is "joy in heaven."

When Jesus was being crucified, on either side of Him were 2 thieves. Both were guilty men hanging there with the One in whom "no guilt" could be found. One of the thieves mocked Jesus and cried as the Pharisees had, for Him to save Himself if He really were God. But the other came to Jesus in faith, and now is in paradise with our Lord.

God's preference is for us to come to Him young so that we can live a lifetime that glorifies and exalts Him. But no matter old we are or how close to death, God will always accept and forgive the one who comes to Him in faith. In this life, there is only 1 sin that God cannot forgive: blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, rejection of Jesus Christ. All other sins, no matter how heinous we may consider them, can be washed away by the blood of Christ, if we come to Him in faith seeking forgiveness. In the bible and in life, the evidence is overwhelming that it is never too late to come to Christ. So where do you stand in your relationship with Jesus?


  1. Hey Preacher, I really enjoyed your blog. It is very sad when people are so bound by their sin and are blinded by Satan that they cannot see clearly until their flesh faileth and all the years of life have all gone to waste. What a merciful God to still call out to us even when we have NOTHING left to give him except our broken hearts. What a wonderful Savior!I pray that our Lord will comfort your wife and your family during this time of loss..God bless you and your family,Christie-Anna Adams

  2. Thanks Christie, I myself was not saved until my late 30's. I'd give anything to have those wasted years back, but thankfully, He is not interested in those wasted years, but rather the years we have left. God bless you and yours also...JP
