Applying The Bible to Our Culture and World

These are the opinions of Jeff Phillips, pastor of an inner city Southern Baptist church in the heart of the bible belt. These views do not represent Woodfield Park Baptist Church, Ashley my wife, our 3 dogs or 3 cats.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

PCUSA and the Homosexuality Issue

From this mornings Charlotte Observer the headline reads, "Presbyterians Still Divided." First let me clarify, there are 2 main branches of the Presbyterian church in the United States: The PSUSA(Presbyterian Church United States of America) and the PCA(Presbyterian Church of America). The PCUSA is the liberal(do not take the bible literally) wing and the PCA the conservative wing(they do take the bible literally). In these 2 denominations we see the results of not taking the bible literally, in this case regarding homosexuality in the church. The PCUSA voted this week to allow non-celibate homosexuals to serve in clergy positions. The PCA takes the biblical view of homosexuality, that it is sin.

This issue is coming to a head in our nation and churches. The supreme court of the state of Massachusetts ruled this week that homosexual partners are entitled to equal benefits, overruling the federal DOMA(Defense of Marriage Act) passed in 1995. Their is a court challenge in California to overturn Proposition 8 which passed last November defining marriage between and man and a woman. In the church, the issue has been dividing denominations for years. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, U.S. Episcopal Church, United Methodist Church, United Church of Christ, Unitarian Universalist Association and now PCUSA have all decided to allow sexually active homosexual clergy to serve in ministerial positions.

A quote from the Observer this morning from the Rev. Ray Bagnuolo, an openly homosexual pastor at Janhus Presbyterian Church in New York City, sums up the pro-homosexual view in the church. He says, "Progress takes time. But to gay and lesbian people, it says their relationships, who they are, does not matter to the church. I don't call that Christian or loving." He speaks in reference to those who oppose the rights of homosexuals to be recognized as in a right relationship with God.

How difficult is this issue? If we look to the bible, it really is quite simple. Search and determine for yourselves what scriptures such as Exodus 20:14, Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13, Deuteronomy 23:17 in the Old Testament, and Romans 1:24-31 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 in the New Testament, say in regards to God's view on homosexuality. The Old Testament calls the act an abomination. In Romans Paul says it is unnatural and debase. In 1 Corinthians he says, along with many other sins, that those who practice such things "will not inherit the kingdom of God." In other words, homosexuality, just as heterosexual sexual relationships outside of marriage, stealing, lying, adultery, idolatry, drunkenness, gossip, and many other things are called sin by God. If it is sin, it means we have a choice in the behavior.

It is not a civil rights issue, as one does not choose to be black or female. One does choose who they have sexual relations with, hetero or homosexual. In regards to these, we always have the choice to say no, just as we do in regards to stealing something or telling a lie. And while we cannot control what the government decides regarding these issues in the public forum, we can decide how we view them in the church. Do we view them as the bible says, or as we see them through our own experiences and emotions.

The Rev. Bagnuolo demonstrates the humanistic view. Notice how he says, "I don't call that Christian or loving." What he fails to acknowledge and understand is it is not about how we view things, it's about how God views things. Is it unloving to tell someone what scripture says about sin? According to some, it obviously is. Ask yourself, in your church, would it allow a pastor who is stealing from the church treasury, or one who lies about his personal life regularly to continue to serve? Would it allow a clergyman to live with someone outside of marriage or cheat openly on his wife to continue to serve? If it does, God help that church. So why are some churches disregarding what God says about homosexuality, that it is sin, and allowing openly sexually active homosexuals to continue to serve? The answer is simple: They do not accept or acknowledge what the bible clearly teaches.

Now understand me here. I believe we must show love to sinners. But the biblical definition of love and man's definition of love are 2 entirely different things. The bible tells us love will be exhibited by our obedience to Christ, that means confessing and repenting of our sinful lifestyles. The bible tells us that true agape, Godly love, will fill our hearts with a desire to see others turn to God and His ways and away from open, unrepentant sin. The bible tells us we are to gently come beside those overtaken by sin(Galatians 6:1) to help them overcome their sinful lifestyles. The worlds view of love is we must tolerate all things, and to not do so is unloving.

This is what happens when we stop taking God's word literally and instead substitute our own personal views and feelings for God's. My message in love to those who are trapped by the sin of homosexuality, or stealing, or adultery, fornication, idolatry, drunkenness, drug abuse, or anything else God says is sin is simple: "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." This was the message of Jesus. I say this as one who had to repent of many sins, and as one who still struggles with sin. I also speak as one who knows personally the power of God to help me overcome my sinful lifestyle. I say this in love, to instruct in what the bible says.

Do we recognize that all unrepentant sin, sin not covered by the blood of Christ, will be judged. In Genesis 19:4-8 we read of God's judgment of Sodom, where homosexuality was rampant and the word sodomy comes from. Do we understand the words given by God to the prophet Malachi, "I am the Lord, I do not change." I realize denying these types of feelings is extremely difficult. But the call of Jesus is to "deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow Him." How we answer God's call to receive Jesus and repent of our sins is the determining factor in our eternal future. Their is a real heaven for those who repent and follow Christ, and a real hell for those who do not. If we stand before Christ at judgment outside of His atoning blood, no argument we make will be satisfactory. He will condemn us to hell. In love, I plead with anyone overtaken by what the bible calls sin, come and receive Jesus and turn from your wicked ways. Will you listen to what God says in His word, or base your eternal soul on what you believe.


  1. This is true Jeff. I beleive every word. I also completely agree with the last statement.There is no way I would base my eternal soul on what I believe. What I believe ,think, or how I feel is irrelevent to what Gods Commands are. For it we are still the same, we have never became that new creation (2 Cor. 5:17)or have been transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2)We aren't to submitt ourselves to Jesus Christ to be justified (past lifestyle), but for justification (complete change).

  2. thank you for posting this. We must keep speaking up about God's truth.

    "Please forgive us God for not following you and your Word but our sinful nature."

  3. Jeff, you have spoken your truth. As a Bible-believing Christian, I beg to differ with you. It is not part of faithful Christian teaching or practice to "take the Bible literally." That is a modern invention. For thousands of years, interpreters of scripture (which is what we all are), have understood that parts of scripture are historically conditioned--that is, they reflect the norms of the time and place in which they were written.

    Our job is to figure out whether the Biblical teachings on homosexuality (which do condemn some, if not all, kinds of homosexual behavior) are timeless or time-bound.

    You get where I'm coming from. I know too many amazing gay Christians who are in loving, monogamous relationships to believe that somehow their sexual orientation and behavior is sinful.

    Thanks for your post.
