Applying The Bible to Our Culture and World

These are the opinions of Jeff Phillips, pastor of an inner city Southern Baptist church in the heart of the bible belt. These views do not represent Woodfield Park Baptist Church, Ashley my wife, our 3 dogs or 3 cats.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Price for Freedom

As we celebrate the founding of our nation today and the signing of the Declaration of Independence, I've found myself drawn to many offerings of patriotic fare on TV. Yesterday, the History channel offered a 10 hour installment on the Revolutionary war, a wonderful perspective on the events and personalities at the beginning of the United States. Today, as I returned home from church, I was greeted by the bio-film MacArthur, about the great WWII general. And later tonight, my favorite movie of all-time, Patton.

Whether it be General George Washington, General MacArthur or General Patton; I've always been intrigued by these leaders of men. They have many contradictions, not the least of which is that these men who fought bloody battles and war, abhorred the event of war. MacArthur, in his speech aboard the USS Missouri at the surrender of Japan, called it "the greatest scourge and sin of mankind." But from George Washington on, the men who have served our nation in our military have realized an undeniable fact. Freedom comes with a heavy price tag, and that cost for freedom, is blood.

If one desires to be free from tyranny and oppression, blood must be shed. While as our Declaration of Independence correctly states, that liberty, or freedom, is an unalienable right given to us by God, that right has been purchased at the cost of countless lives in our nation's history. Brave men and now women have willingly shed their blood so that you and I can enjoy the freedom we know today.

God knows all about the price that needs to be paid for freedom. You see, Jesus Christ, God incarnate, shed His blood for our freedom. His blood was shed for our freedom from the oppression of sin. His blood was shed, so that if we receive Him as our Lord and Savior, the sin that we rightfully deserve death for is washed away, and we are forgiven and cleansed of all unrighteousness.

God gave His Son, as hundreds of thousands of American parents have given their sons in the defense of freedom, for a greater good. God knew that mankind would need a way to be restored to a right relationship with Him, so He ordained from the very beginning that His Son would willingly pay that price. Americans have sacrificed for our freedom as well, and those who have died on battlefields across this world willingly gave their lives for others, just as Jesus did. I don't mean to elevate the American soldier to the level of our Savior, but if anyone can empathize with how the Father felt when His Son shed His blood, a soldiers parent can.

Whether it's in defense of a nation, or for the reconciliation and forgiveness of mankind, the price for freedom is the same, blood. I am so grateful for all of those who have served our nation and are serving our nation, who willingly put their lives on the line for us. But freedom here on earth is temporal. Only the blood of Christ can buy eternal freedom for you and me.

So I'll close with the words to an old hymn; "Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe. Sin hath left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow." Their is indeed "Power in the Blood." It bought our freedom from tyranny and oppression as a nation. It bought our freedom from eternal hell on the cross. God bless America, and praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!


  1. This is identical to what our pastor used for his 4th of July speech to everone on Main st. I also live in a podunk town.I knew he had enough time to read your blog.

  2. Hah, now that's funny. I hope he preached it better than I wrote it!
