Applying The Bible to Our Culture and World

These are the opinions of Jeff Phillips, pastor of an inner city Southern Baptist church in the heart of the bible belt. These views do not represent Woodfield Park Baptist Church, Ashley my wife, our 3 dogs or 3 cats.

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Book of Daniel

This Wednesday at Oakland Baptist Church we will be beginning a new study in the book of Daniel on Wednesday and Sunday nights. The book of Daniel is one of the most amazing books in the bible. Within this text are prophesies that are exact in their fulfilment from times past and revealing in the coming glory of Christ in the future. But the book of Daniel is about far more than prophecy.

Daniel, due to it's uncanny prediction of events that have been fulfilled, is one of the more disputed books in the bible. Liberal theologians continually try to disprove Daniel for one reason; They cannot accept the incredible accuracy with which Daniel, through the Holy Spirit, for tells coming events that were fulfilled within and shortly after Daniel's lifespan. The liberal cannot accept this as if true it proves that the bible is truly from God, as only God could exactly predict future events. If the bible is from God, it must be taken literally, and this is something the liberal cannot abide by. If the bible is to be taken literally, much of what they teach and preach is shown as heresy. Due to this they claim that Daniel was written hundreds of years later than it actually was. They claim it was a historical book, not a prophetic book. This claim holds no water in authentic and honest study of the book and the bible.

Daniel prophesies the coming kingdoms after Babylon; Media-Persia, Greece and Rome exactly. All of these were fulfilled before the first advent of Christ. It also prophesies a kingdom that is yet to come, a reformed Roman empire, not as strong as the first, but still with its roots in Rome. Daniel prophecies and pictures the coming of the Antichrist, and the second coming of Jesus Christ. The allegory it uses is easily understood if we use the basic tenet of biblical interpretation, and allow the bible to interpret itself for us. Through historical record and consistency in interpretation, we see the future unfold as if we are reading a newspaper record. Friends, only God can do that.

Daniel is however far more than a prophetic book. In the person of Daniel, we see one of the great men of God to grace the scriptural record. From standing for God and His provision regarding Nebuchadnezzar's will for Daniel and his friends to live the Babylonian life instead of maintaining their Jewish ways; to Daniel's steadfastness in prayer in spite of forthcoming persecution and a trip to the lion's den; to his obedience to the angel Gabriel and the communication of God's will through him, Daniel proves to be faithful, trusting and fully submitted to the True and Living God. He is one of the few men in scripture that no condemning word is spoken of.

The book of Daniel is one of those books that is exciting to study. Understanding of the book of Revelation is impossible without an understanding of the book of Daniel. The practical and prophetic lessons it teaches are inspiring to the Christian walk and enlightening to biblical understanding. If you are one who has never delved into prophecy, Daniel is one of the books to really begin in, as it is a key to unlocking what God is revealing to us, and it is proof that God can indeed for tell future events through it's fulfilled prophecy. But do not get lost in the prophecy, and miss the example that the man Daniel is for us. God does indeed use His prophets to tell us what is coming, but He also uses His men to teach us how we should live. Daniel is one of those incredible, historical men who does both in this vivid, thrilling and practical book.

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