Applying The Bible to Our Culture and World

These are the opinions of Jeff Phillips, pastor of an inner city Southern Baptist church in the heart of the bible belt. These views do not represent Woodfield Park Baptist Church, Ashley my wife, our 3 dogs or 3 cats.

Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Resolution

Daniel 1:8, "But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's delicacies, nor with the wine which he drank; therefore he requested of the chief of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself."

Every year as a new year arrives, we hear about someone, somewhere making a new year's resolution. The purpose is to make a change in one's life that will result in a better me. We also know that the running joke is a short time into the new year the resolution has been broken and the change we desired left to the ash heap of broken promises and history. With common things such as weight loss, exercise, spending habits or whatever else we may come up with, this is not a serious matter. But what of our relationship with God?

In the book of Daniel we see the prophet make a resolution of his own. It's a resolution in regards to his faith, and something Daniel does not take lightly. Daniel has been selected by the king, along with 3 of his friends, to be indoctrinated to the ways of Babylon. Part of the indoctrination includes abandoning the dietary code of the law for the "delicacies" of Babylon. To violate the law would be for Daniel and his friends to turn their backs on the direct command of God. It would mean compromising their faith. The far easier decision would have been to accept they were in Babylon and to go along to get along. The Christian is faced with this type of decision on a daily basis as we confront the often seemingly overpowering ways of the world. In this world the course of least resistance is to simply give in and adopt things that the world says are permissible, even though we know God says they are not. So how do we overcome the temptations the world presents and avoid compromising our faith? Daniel gives us the simple, yet more difficult answer.

In Daniel 1:8 we see Daniel stand on his faith, and take a stand for God. The text tells us Daniel "purposed in his heart not to defile himself." Daniel stands on his love for God, and makes an irreversible decision in his mind that he would not accept the ways of Babylon in contradiction to the ways of God. It was a courageous decision based upon pure faith. For the believer, it is the only acceptable decision that can be made.

If we are going to fully trust God and exercise our faith, their is only one way to exhibit that: Obedience to God in rebuttal of the ways of the world. Daniel will rest upon the promises of God; that He "will never leave us nor forsake us." That He is our "deliverer." That He will meet all of our "needs." Daniel testifies of God and His power by trusting in His word, and the covenant relationship He has with each of us. Daniel lives out His faith, instead of just speaking empty words.

This is a decision of the heart and the mind working in concert. The heart leads us to receive and acknowledge the truth, the mind accepts it and resolves to conform, no matter the possible cost. It is a place that every believer has encountered. Have we responded as Daniel did and God would have us too? So as we enter this new year, what is their that we need to resolve in our hearts for God? What is their we need to trust in God with and turn away from in our lives? What is defiling us before the Lord, and needs to change? What step of faith will we take? The life of Daniel shows us the great things God can do through us if we are willing to trust Him? Our relationship with God cannot be based upon casual resolutions that are quickly cast away. What is God asking of us today?

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