Applying The Bible to Our Culture and World

These are the opinions of Jeff Phillips, pastor of an inner city Southern Baptist church in the heart of the bible belt. These views do not represent Woodfield Park Baptist Church, Ashley my wife, our 3 dogs or 3 cats.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Follow Up on Homeless Couple

This past Tuesday I posted a blog on a homeless couple that we had encountered. The couple has been living in their car and the people that we spoke with regarding them did not have much positive to say. But during the course of this encounter I personally learned some things, as they did, that were discussed on Tuesday. I wanted to give everyone an update as I have heard from many people about them.

On Tuesday they attended a free soup kitchen at First Baptist Cheraw. Last night they attended another soup kitchen at Westside Baptist in Cheraw and also worship services. I had spoken with the pastor who is filling in at Westside, Steve West, and after their worship service last night Steve spoke with them and Westside is providing lodging for them tonight and also assisting them in obtaining additional food.

I have also contacted several other pastors in the area and thanks to the assistance provided by Westfield Creek Baptist and Hopewell Baptist, along with Oakland, we will be able to provide lodging for at least the next week. This is a beginning to hopefully assisting this couple in not only their material needs, but also in beginning their spiritual walk with Christ. We all believe this is what Jesus would be doing.

And friends, this is evidence of something we all know, but for some reason, don't practice as often as we should. We seem to think of the church as our local church, and not the universal body of Christ that it truly is. Here in Chesterfield county, where unemployment is approaching 20%, money is tight. But if we work together and pool resources we can do things that truly glorify God far more than if we approach things from the singular view of just our church. Christ calls us to work together in love for one another, and we do this best when we tear down the 4 walls of our individual churches and view things as Jesus does. One body, in Christ.

We are hoping to involve other churches and people from various denominations. I have spoken with other pastors and people who are in the process of hopefully providing additional assistance, until they can support themselves. That ultimately is the goal, as that is what Jesus expects of us.

And during this process of providing for material needs, we will be providing for the more important spiritual needs, for a couple that has not felt alot of love lately. But now they are part of the body of Christ, where love is commanded and expected of all of us. If we claim the name Christian, showing love is not an option. We offer a love of choice, agape love, the love of God, that He chose to show for every living person when He sent His Son to die on a cross for our sin. And we as His children are to choose to love all people. It's not always easy, as some people are quite unlovable. But so were we, when we were separated from God by our sin. Romans 5:8 tells us, "This best demonstrates the love of God, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

Love is not about enabling people. Love is not about excusing and ignoring sin. If we truly love someone we will be honest with them and work to restore them to a right relationship with God. But love is helping people and showing them Christ, then discipling them so that they can live for and love God and make disciples of others. When Jesus speaks of us being "salt and light" in the world. This is what He is speaking of. I'm thankful for my brothers and sisters in Christ who are responding to this challenge. For me, it has taught me many things, and for that I am especially thankful. But their are more families like this one in our area.

One need that has been greatly exposed is the need for a homeless shelter in our area. The closest one is over 50 miles away from these folks. I'm not sure what I can do about that, but I have some ideas I intend to pursue. If God is in them, I know they will succeed. Not by my might, nor by my power, but "by His Spirit." If you would like to assist with this couple you can message me. And be in prayer for them, and us. Let us all remember we are all part of the body of Christ, and that body has no church or denominational name. It has one name, "The bride of Christ." I pray today you know who your bridegroom is.

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