Applying The Bible to Our Culture and World

These are the opinions of Jeff Phillips, pastor of an inner city Southern Baptist church in the heart of the bible belt. These views do not represent Woodfield Park Baptist Church, Ashley my wife, our 3 dogs or 3 cats.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What is Worship?

What is worship? Is it a solemn occasion where we revere God through liturgy and creeds? Or, is it a traditional effort where we sing hymns and are "preached" the word? What about an energetic experience where a live band plays and God's people shout with joy? Today I propose to you, it can be all of these. And, it can be none of these. To truly understand worship we must look to the bible and see what God says on the subject.

So What is Worship?

In studying the bible their is a principle known as the "law of first mention." It's a practice where we look to see where was the first time God mentions a certain biblical principle, understanding that when God mentions something for the first time, special insight can be gained about a subject. In the bible, the first place the word worship occurs is in Genesis 22:5. Here it reads(NKJV), "And Abraham said to his young men, 'Stay here with the donkey, the lad and I will go yonder and worship, and we will come back to you.'" To set the scene, this is the chapter where God has instructed Abraham to take his "only son" Issac and offer him to the Lord as a burnt offering, as a sacrifice. So what is worship? Well, if we apply the principle of the "law of first mention, " true worship, biblical worship, is centered around our trust, our obedience toward and sacrifice for God. And remember, in the New Testament, Jesus clarifies that obedience is a direct reflection of our love for Him(John 14:15, 23).

God has just instructed Abraham to kill his beloved son Issac as an act of obedience and an offering, and Abraham trusts God and is willing to comply. In fact, Abraham trusts God to the point that he has faith that both he and Issac will return to his men that he left below. That even if God does demand this sacrifice, He can restore Issac and fulfill the promises He has made to both men. I ask you a question: Is our love for Christ as exhibited through our obedience for Him, our willingness to sacrifice for Him, our trust, our faith in Him so strong, that we are willing to do whatever He asks?

Biblical Worship versus Man Centered Worship

Friends, these are the basic elements of truly worsipping God. We must understand, worship is not about how we feel, it's not about us. It's not about a style and it's not about a place. True worship, biblical worship, is totally focussed upon God. True worship is about coming to God broken, willing, totally trusting Him from our heart. A true worship experience involves us giving our all, for Him. Can this type of worship occur in any of the settings listed above. Yes, it can. But sadly, far too many times we make worship about us, and not God.

In far to many of our churches we focus our worship on things we enjoy or even more dangerously, the things of the world; a technological stage show, a worship style, a certain preacher, a group of people we enjoy. While their is nothing inherently wrong with any of these things, if they are the reason we worship some place, our heart is not right with God. It's all about us. True worship, biblical worship is wholly(you might say Holy) about God. It does not occur on Sunday morning only, but in our everyday walk with Christ. We worship God in "Spirit and truth" when we: Hear and obey His commands, daily sacrifice our wants and desires for His wants and desires, and faithfully trust Him to keep His word. In Genesis 22 Abraham exhibits all of these qualties and God provides a ram for the sacrifice, sparing Issac, and blessing Abraham.

So, have you worshipped God today?

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