Applying The Bible to Our Culture and World

These are the opinions of Jeff Phillips, pastor of an inner city Southern Baptist church in the heart of the bible belt. These views do not represent Woodfield Park Baptist Church, Ashley my wife, our 3 dogs or 3 cats.

Friday, February 19, 2010

For Such a Time as This-Part Four

Yesterday we looked at Psalm 83 and its prophetic implications. And we saw that it is a prophecy that could be fulfilled at anytime. Today we'll be looking at Ezekiel 38-39, commonly referred to as the battle of "Gog and Magog." As we referenced yesterday this is a conflict that will occur during the tribulation as it will occur when Israel is at peace(Ezekiel 38:8,11), meaning this will be after the peace covenant with Israel orchestrated by Antichrist in Daniel 9:27. We will not look at every verse in these 2 chapters but will highlight several to bring out the meaning of this prophecy, so I highly recommend reading them over yourselves.

A Battle over Oil

This attack will be on Israel, and because of the peace covenant between Israel and Antichrist, Antichrist will be forced to defend Israel. In verse 4 God says of this invading army "I will turn you around, put hooks in your jaws, and lead you out..." What could draw an army into conflict with Antichrist and his armies? Oil my friends. Antichrist because of the peace covenant is the leader of the whole world at this point, and as a result has control over middle east oil. None of us could fail to see how this could cause conflict. And we must remember about Antichrist, he is very powerful, with all of the power of Satan behind him, but he is not God. If God has those who oppose Him, which He clearly does, so will Antichrist.

The Players

In verse 2 we see the leader, "Gog," from the land of "Magog," the prince of "Rosh, Meshech and Tubal." These names can be found in Genesis 10, and are part of the nations that descended from Noah after the flood. While the linguistics can be confusing, most conservative scholars believe that this leader will be from Russia. In our world today it is no secret Russia has strong ties to the middle east and the Muslim world.

Other nations are mentioned in verses 5-6. We see Persia(Iran), Libya(N. Africa) and Ethiopia(central east coast Africa), Gomer(Armenia and the Baltic states), and Togarmah(Turkey). All of these areas today are extremely hostile toward Israel and friendly toward Russia or Iran. Russia and Iran have been long time allies. All are in areas that are Muslim dominated or becoming more and more Muslim. As we mentioned yesterday these nations are completely different from the nations of Psalm 83, meaning these are separate conflicts.

The Battle

The armies of Gog will come against Israel, but the battle will be won by God Himself. In verses 38:18-39:10 we read of God Himself interceding for Israel and the armies of Gog being completely destroyed. God says in Ezekiel 39:7 he does this so that, "...I will make My holy name known in the midst of My people Israel, and I will not let them profane My holy name anymore. Then the nations shall know that I am the Lord, the Holy One in Israel."

God Himself delivers Israel and of this there will be no doubt. Some say this marks the beginning of the battle of Armageddon, others that it will occur at the beginning of the tribulation. Still others that it occurs at the mid-point, the 3 1/2 year mark, and is the beginning of the "Great Tribulation" period. While their is disagreement on when during the tribulation this battle will occur, all conservative scholars agree it will occur.

The Mid-Trib View

I personally subscribe to this battle occurring at the mid-point of the tribulation. While I cannot be dogmatic about this, to me it is the view that makes the most sense. But the other views do have merit, so let's look at them first.

In the view that this battle occurs at the beginning of the tribulation they cite verse 39:9, where Israel will be burning the weapons of Gog for 7 years. This is the length of the tribulation period so you can see how this would make sense. Those who view this as the beginning of the battle of Armageddon, meaning it would occur near the end of the 7 year period, cite verses 39:17-20. These verses are very similar too Revelation 19:17-21, where after Christs return the birds are called in to devour the flesh of the dead. This view makes less sense to me as in Revelation 16 we read of the kings of the east who will join the whole world in coming against God and Israel, and in this battle we see the participants are limited.

Which leaves us with the mid-trib view. Remember, this is my opinion, and as with all opinions, I most certainly could be wrong. I hold the mid-trib view for these reasons: Israel after the peace covenant is signed will be following Antichrist, many as a godlike figure. He has supposedly brought them what they have always coveted, peace with their neighbors. However when God Himself clearly wins this battle the Jewish peoples eyes will be opened to the truth. At this point is where I believe Antichrist, as Jesus and Daniel both prophesied, sets himself up in the temple of God, and declares himself to be the Most High God. This is the "abomination of desolation's." Israel will turn against Antichrist, and Antichrist will pursue the people God loves and he hates, the Jews. We read about this in Revelation 12. Something, or in this case, someone, God Himself, must turn the Jews against their perceived savior Antichrist. This battle, with God clearly winning it, and then Antichrist taking credit and proclaiming himself God, would meet that criteria. As for the problem of burning the weapons for 7 years, this could also continue into the Millennial kingdom. While we cannot know for sure the exact timing, we can know with absolute certainty these events will occur.

Why is This Important for Us?

It's important for 2 reasons. The first is that God is going to reclaim His people Israel. We'll be looking closer at this tomorrow. The second reason this is important for us is that just as with the nations in Psalm 83, which will occur first, these nations are also in place to fulfil this prophecy. It should be a warning and encouragement to us that the return of Jesus Christ is imminent, and nearer than ever before. That we need to be watching and working for Jesus more urgently than ever. Let us be as Paul as He writes through the Spirit in Titus 2:13,"Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ."

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