Applying The Bible to Our Culture and World

These are the opinions of Jeff Phillips, pastor of an inner city Southern Baptist church in the heart of the bible belt. These views do not represent Woodfield Park Baptist Church, Ashley my wife, our 3 dogs or 3 cats.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Are You a Disciple, or Just a Believer?

I pose a question today that I truly believe holds the answer to another question; what is wrong with the church today? Do we understand that someone can be saved, can be a believer in Jesus Christ, yet not be His disciple? Do we understand that all are able to come to Jesus for salvation, but it takes more than heartfelt belief to be His disciple? Jesus tells us throughout the gospels that unless we "deny ourselves," "pick up our cross," and "follow Him," that we are not "worthy" to be His disciples. Friends, what Christ's church, what our world, needs now more than ever, is disciples, and not just believers content with their salvation.

Luke 14:25-35 lays this out for us clearly. In order to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ nothing can come before Him in our lives. Jesus illustrates this in v.26 when He tells us He must come before even our dearest loved ones. This means that in our lives we place our utmost confidence in the "Greatest Commandment," and we love God above all others, enabling us to love others more than ourselves, just as Jesus did. We cannot be His disciple unless we love Him first and foremost, thus denying ourselves and following Him.

Many may ask themselves why is the cost of discipleship so high? Why must it be so difficult, so taxing? Well in verses 28-32, Jesus shows us why in 2 parables. Many misinterpret these verses. They believe it is we who count the cost, but that is not what these parables teach us. It is the builder of the tower, not the workers who count the cost. It is the king of the armies, not the army, that counts the cost. Friends, Jesus is the One who is in charge of building His kingdom, He is the King of His army to fight Satan and evil, the enemy. He alone knows what He needs from us in order for His kingdom to be built. And in verses 27 and 33 he clarifies once again, it is only the one who is willing to "bear his cross" and "come after" Him that can be His disciple. It is only the one who is willing to "forsake all" who can be His disciple. Does this attitude of complete surrender, love, and devotion to Jesus describe us, or most other believers we know? And we wonder why the church is in trouble, ineffective, failing in it's mission to "Go therefore and make disciples." We cannot make disciples until we are first a disciple ourselves.

Jesus closes this section of scripture using salt as His illustration. He said their is good salt which is useful. But also that their is salt that has lost "it's flavor." Of this salt He tells us it is worth nothing, not even fit for the "dunghill." That's a strong condemnation. When it comes to building Christ's kingdom, are we good salt? Salt when it's good is a preservative, it prevents decay. Have we succeeded in this in this world, or has the enemy won in bringing us down even further as people. Salt is a cleansing agent, and was used to fight infection. It would sting in a wound, but it would also heal. Are we as the body of Christ winning the battle to fight off the infection of evil that surrounds us? Most of all, salt adds flavor, and it makes you thirsty. Are we a people thirsty for the word of God, for living in obedience and faithfulness for Him, or do our wants and desires take precedent in our lives. How can we be the "salt of the earth" and not make others thirst for the "living water" in Christ?

What does the church need today? Do we need new methods? Do we need a new way of doing church? No, we don't need something new, but rather, something old. We need Christians to surrender to Jesus and His call to be His disciples. To forsake everything for Him, to bear our cross and the burdens that come with following Him. Only then are we worthy to be His disciples, and only then can we make disciples. Anything else is just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. The ship will still go down.

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