Applying The Bible to Our Culture and World

These are the opinions of Jeff Phillips, pastor of an inner city Southern Baptist church in the heart of the bible belt. These views do not represent Woodfield Park Baptist Church, Ashley my wife, our 3 dogs or 3 cats.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

One Word to Describe Yourself

Summing up one's character and being in one word is a tall order. Each of us has many aspects to our appearance and personality so settling on one word to define yourself is , well....let me take a look in the mirror:

Appearance wise I would describe myself as overweight(actually I prefer undertall), pale, stocky, average, or maybe inneedofbowflex. Thankfully, God looks at the heart, not physical appearance, so how would I describe my inner self? Well, I'm outspoken, opinionated, loyal, intelligent, relaxed, happy, humorous, passionate, but most of all, I'm probably growing, no not in weight or height, but in my life and how I view things. I'm learning new things all the time, and that growth shapes every part of my being. Now, let me ask you a question. If you had to choose one word to describe you as a Christian, what would it be?

Would it be faithful, well, I'm far more faithful than I used to be but still have tremendous room for growth there. What about obedient? For me, once again, I'm far more obedient to God's word now, than say 5 years ago, but still, their is a lot of room for improvement.

What about loving? Am I putting God first in my life and putting others above myself? Am I the best husband to my wife I can be or the best son to my mother? Sadly, I'd have to say this is yet another area that I can really still show a lot of growth. Am I holy? Well, in Jesus I know I am, but when I look at myself I have to tell you I don't really see holy. Here's one, am I patient? I'll let internet lingo define this one, LOL.

Well when I look at myself, it seems that many of the characteristics God wants from me in my life, I fall short of. So let me ask this question, does the word saved define me. Well, it could, because I know I am saved. In spite of my shortcomings I can look back on my life and see radical change from the person I was before I knew Jesus. I know that day in 2003 when I wept before God and received Jesus Christ was genuine and transforming. While I still fall short in many areas, I know I'm far more like Jesus today than I was 7 years ago, even one year ago. So yes, I have the fruit of salvation. But that's still not how I would describe myself. So what is the one word I would use to describe myself as a Christian?

Well for me the answer is really easy. For me, the one word that describes me best as a Christian, is forgiven. I know in my heart that my sinful past has been wiped away completely by the shed blood of Jesus and my faith in Him. I know that by God's grace my sins exist no more. I know that even though I fall short in my Christian walk many times, God is patient with me and that those shortcomings, those sins, are as far as the east is from the west in our magnificent Lord's eyes because of what Jesus did for me. While I may displease God sometimes, while I may fall into the flesh, I know that it's covered by the blood of the Lamb.

So I'll close with this question? Have you fully and truly experienced the forgiveness of our sins that God has given us through Jesus? Have you received Jesus into your heart as Lord and Savior, and experienced the life changing power of the Holy Spirit? Does your life now lead closer and closer to God, revealing the fruit of salvation; repentance from sin and a growing walk in love, obedience and faithfulness? Is the word that best describes you as a Christian, and as a person, forgiven?

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