Applying The Bible to Our Culture and World

These are the opinions of Jeff Phillips, pastor of an inner city Southern Baptist church in the heart of the bible belt. These views do not represent Woodfield Park Baptist Church, Ashley my wife, our 3 dogs or 3 cats.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

National Day of Prayer

Across our nation today Christians will be gathering together to lift up our nation in prayer as part of the "National Day of Prayer." This years event has brought much controversy as this day has been ruled unconstitutional by a circuit court judge and the Rev. Franklin Graham has been prohibited from participating with the military for his truthful comments about the religion of Islam. Apparently, in America today, it is offensive for someone to pray.

This really should come as no surprise to us. The courts in our nation have already ruled that the 10 Commandments are offensive, that murdering an unborn child is perfectly acceptable, and that terrorists trying to destroy our nation as part of a declared war on us have the same rights as an American citizen. America as a nation founded on Judeo-Christian values has ceased to exist in our governments eyes. Why should it surprise us that something as simple and inoffensive as prayer is now a target.

A spokesperson for the group "Freedom From Religion" was on Fox News this morning. To quote him he said that he feels that when the government sponsors a day of prayer, "it cheapens prayer." This from a person who said he feels prayer is a waste of time. How can something be viewed any more cheaply than to state it is a waste of time? These people claim that the "Christian right" have an agenda to indoctrinate our nation with Christian values through events like this. But what of the atheists agenda to rid our nation of any mention of God, and specifically Jesus Christ?

The fact of the matter is that our government and our leaders calling our nation to prayer is nothing new. George Washington did it several times during his presidency, as did Abraham Lincoln. FDR called for regular days of prayer and fasting during World War II. In 1952 the joint houses of Congress unanimously approved the "National Day of Prayer." In every instance it was always prayer to the God of the bible, the God of Christianity. This belief in our nation that the government cannot so much as recognize a "National Day of Prayer" is a recent development. So what has changed in our nation?

What has changed in our nation is, that we have become a people that "worship God with" our lips, but our hearts are far from "Him." We have become a nation that has compromised our founding fathers principles for the sake of political correctness, and placed false gods on the same level as the "True and Living God." Now let me be clear, I do believe in the founding fathers vision that any American citizen is free to worship any god they want. If someone wants to worship Allah, Buddha, Satan, a tree, a goat or a rock, they have a right to do so. But this freedom does not change the fact that we as a nation were founded as a nation that recognized and worshipped the God of the bible and His Son Jesus Christ. This is not a debatable point, but a statement of fact. But today, instead of holding to these principles that were the foundation at our nations beginning, and for most of it's history, we cow tow to special interest groups for the sake of not offending anyone. I just wish someone would show me the place in the constitution that guarantees an American citizens right to not be offended. Because I can show them my right to assembly and my freedom of religion. And I can show them a long, accepted history from our founding fathers on, of expression of the Christian faith on behalf of our government.

What I hope we as Christians realize is that this sort of thing is only going to grow worse. As Christians this is what the bible tells us we should expect. As Paul wrote to Timothy is his second epistle to the young preacher, "Anyone who desires to live a godly life will suffer persecution." Wake up Christians, and accept the truth. In America today, WE are the problem. We are the reason their are divisions, and hatred and discrimination in the United States. Our antiquated beliefs are holding back the enlightenment of our society, and our acceptance in the global community. The world hates America because of us!

What did Jesus have to say about this. Well, our God and Savior said, "If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you(John 15:18.)" Jesus said, "Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but rather division(Luke 12:51)." It appears as though things are happening in our beloved country just as Jesus said they would. Be prepared Christian, this is just the tip of the iceberg. The attack on Jesus(not religion, just Jesus) is gaining and will continue to gain momentum. What can we do? Stand for Jesus! Let us a Christians vow to look up, stand up, pray up, preach up, sing up, lift up, speak up, never back up or shut up for Jesus Christ. We may one day be arrested, but so were Jesus and the apostles. We may one day be asked to give our lives,but so have countless martyrs and missionaries. As much as we love our country never let us forget, that our kingdom is "not of this world, but in heaven." We are merely pilgrims and sojourners here on earth. Let us remain faithful to Jesus, and be able to say as Paul did to Timothy; "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing(2 Timothy 4:7-8)." The question for us as Christians is not will our government endorse our right to pray for our nation in Jesus name, but rather, are we willing to remain faithful to Jesus in the face of what will be more and more severe persecution.

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