Applying The Bible to Our Culture and World

These are the opinions of Jeff Phillips, pastor of an inner city Southern Baptist church in the heart of the bible belt. These views do not represent Woodfield Park Baptist Church, Ashley my wife, our 3 dogs or 3 cats.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Comedy Central Developing Cartoon About Jesus

From the you can't make this stuff up files:

James Hibbard of the Hollywood Reporter writes that Comedy Central is developing a cartoon that will feature their version of Jesus as the main character. The main theme of the cartoon will feature Jesus, wanting to escape the shadow of his "powerful but apathetic" father, moving to New York City to start a new life. God is portrayed as preoccupied with video games while Jesus, the "ultimate fish out of water," tries to tackle big city life. This from the network that offered a severely redacted episode of "South Park" about the prophet Mohamed so as not to offend. As I've said many times, Jesus is the target, not other religions or the name God. No word yet as to whether Jon Stewart was dodging fire and brimstone last night.

Again, from California(surprise, surprise), 5 teenagers at a high school were sent home from school on May 5th for wearing t-shirts with the American flag on them. School officials were afraid that the flag of the country that the state of California is actually in would offend people on Cinco de Mayo. I don't know if anyone in California was offended, but I sure was. Word is on July 4 California will celebrate the fact China invented fireworks by declaring it Chairman Mao day.

From here in Mayberry, ahem, Chesterfield, yesterday we held our version of the "National Day of Prayer" at the courthouse downtown. Approximately 8 prayers were offered for things as varying as race relations to families, police and firemen to our nations leaders and courts. It wasn't until the 3rd prayer offered that a member of the county Sheriff's department actually prayed in the name of Jesus. Thankfully, about the 6th prayer was by friend Larry Wilbur of Pine Grove Baptist who prayed for our families and boldly and correctly closed in Jesus name. Only then did it appear that it was appropriate for those of us who call ourselves Christians here in Chesterfield to pray in the name of Christ.

If you are a member of Facebook you may also have friends who are part of the "Message From God" application as I do. Never have I seen such mindless drivel offered in the name of God, oh wait, forgot I grew up in the Episcopal church. On a friends status yesterday was the message to them that God is just pleased as punch that "you are you." That we are all unique, "immortal souls." Yeah, God is so pleased with us being ourselves He had to send His Son to die for us to remove our depravity and sin. No mention that the only way we can please God is through faith in Jesus Christ.

Finally, I was watching the Documentary Channel on TV last night. Thought you might be interested in the Cherokee Indians story of creation. According to the Cherokee's all of animal life once lived above the earth that was covered with water. One day, a water beetle was sent down to try to find dry ground. When it could not this enterprising beetle went down to the bottom of the sea and started bringing up mud and the land masses were created. Then on another day, a buzzard was sent down to see how the "creation" beetle was doing. This buzzard grew tired looking for the land and by the time it found it Mr. Buzzard was so tired that it's wings began scraping the dry ground. This is how mountains and valleys were formed. So much more plausible than, "In the beginning God created..." But about as likely as the theory of evolution.

Until tomorrow, have a Jesus filled, blessed day!

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